A letter to the best wedding creators in the world by Josh Withers
The guy behind the software I use to send this letter, Buttondown, was asked
How do you make the time to reply to a request in under 24 hours?
By Sav Tripodi and Justin replied:
I think the answer might be a little unsatisfying, but it’s a true one: emails and newsletters are a pretty commoditised space, and it’s very easy (because emails and archives are so portable) for customers to switch providers whenever they want. Time and time again when I ask people who have stayed around for years why they’ve stayed, a big reason is support and service: they’ve never had a company treat them with the respect and attention that we do. I don’t take it for granted, and I structure my days knowing that answering questions and helping folks onboard is the single most important use of my time!
It's almost like care and caring is a good enough business plan.